We as Muckleshoot People would like to acknowledge

Our Ancestral Land

We, as Muckleshoot People, would like to acknowledge our ancestral land.

This ancestral land is unique to our people and our community

Our ancestors protected this land, fought for this land, hunted, fished, and gathered on this land since the beginning.

After years of genocide, before the Medicine Creek and Point Elliot treaties were signed, the white settlers stole our land.

They diminished our way of life and punished our ancestors for speaking the language.

We still remain strong and courageous. We still practice our culture, language, songs, dances and traditional ways of our ancestors and we always will.

We were forced to reside below Mount Rainier, between the Green and White Rivers and that is where we remain today.

As the great leader Virginia Cross once said

“The land is tied to our heritage. The land means everything to us. It’s where we live, and it’s where we are going to stay.

It’s where we will always be.”

As Muckleshoot people, we are caretakers of this land, we hold ourselves accountable, will you?